September 19, 2024

Debs Holiday Nicknacks

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Debs Holiday Nicknacks

Debs Holiday Nicknacks

Here is a picture I took of Deb a couple years ago with some of her Christmas Decorations she likes to get out and put around the house. They are always fun to see and it makes the house look very festive. Over the years Deb has received one or two new pieces for Christmas from us , so it has added up to a nice little display. This is just the ones in this area of the dining room. The other rooms have many neat little Holiday things too. She really enjoys them and we enjoy buying more for her each Christmas .
SUNDAY MESSAGES- I’m afraid I have not done very well the last 6 months with my Sunday messages. Much of the reason for it is I am afraid I have not done very well as a strong Christian the last 6 months. Like the changing of the seasons , Christians change the level of their closeness to God. I have my really strong years and my really weak years. It’s much like my battle with trying to lose weight, I never give up , I am always trying and I feel the best when I am near my goal. It’s hard to believe I struggle so much with something that makes me the happiest in my life. I don’t post a Sunday message because I feel guilty trying to help others when I have lost much the Holy Spirit in my heart myself. I have also slacked off on reading the Bible. I have not forgot about the Sunday Messages, I just don’t want to be a hypercrite and act like I am the perfect Christian. I will continue each day and try to get stronger again and pray to get back on track as a stronger Christian. I apoligize for not being the perfect Christian like the ones I see on TV, but this is who I am and I am just being very honest. I am not proud of it , but I am being honest about it. This should be the time of the year I should be proudest to be a Christian , but I am more embarressed that I have lost my strength as a Christian. I have not started drinking, taking drugs, running around on Deb, stealing , killing , or anything like that, I just lost the great feeling I once had. Deb and I still get a long great and have a great little life together. But I will never give up trying to get it back, because I can honestly say , when I was closest to God, I was the happiest inside that I have ever been in my life. It was truely a 100% peaceful feeling , nothing seemed to worry me , and I do miss that.
We all wish you all a Happy Holiday Season and a very Merry Christmas.
Have a nice Sunday with the ones you love.