September 20, 2024

Deere 944K Front End Loader at Con-Expo 2011

deereloader, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Con-expo 2011 – Most of you know front end loaders are my favorite machines . I saw this brand new Deere 944K loader in a picture at Con-Expo . There is not much Deere equipment in our area but this is a awesome loader.
Letourneau 2350 is the biggest , baddest loader in the world and I was invited twice to Longview to see two of them roll off the assembly line. If I get invited again , I just got to go no matter if it is snowplowing season or not. Then Cat’s 994F loader is second on my list. of favorites.
Snowplowing – After plowing with the JD I fired up both Waldons and played in the backyard pushing back the snow from the house and shed. That way when it melts the water will be less apt to go in the shed or in the basement. Plus it is fun to plow. (:>)
Snowmobile – I did not get to ride the snowmobile yesterday but cold air is here for a few more days and i can ride it then.
ZERO degrees this morning and not much melting of the snow but we are ready for spring now. Deb and I now think snow is a four letter word, ha,ha.
Cat D-11R Dozer Progress- I’m still working on the rear section of the left side undercarriage.
Have a Great Friday !!