September 19, 2024

Denver 06 blizzard, Tony and his Deere Grader

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Denver 06 blizzard, Tony and his Deere Grader

Denver 06 blizzard, Tony and his Deere Grader

2006 Snowplowing is pretty rare to be doing so far. With the mild weather all across the country , but my E-mail friend Tony did get to keep busy the last few days in the Denver Blizzard of 2006. Here is a cool picture of Tony opening up a road with the V-plow on the front of his Deere Grader. Once the wind stops , most of us snowplow people really do enjoying plowing that white stuff. It gives many of us a little rush getting to play in a machine and be moving all that snow.
If you go to the photo gallery section and click on the
( snowplowing ) section, I posted a couple more of tony’s pics from the Denver storm. Thanks Tony !!