September 19, 2024

DHS Open House , Don, Richie from N.Y.C., Leon from Southern Va. and Kevin from Denver, Col.

DHS Open House 2009- Todays picture shows Me enjoying visiting with Richie, Leon and Kevin in Cleveland at Chuck’s Open House on Friday . Very impressed with Chuck and his open house. Today is the auction and we’re heading back for more fun and more pictures.
Last night Chuck and I were miked up for a interview. Not my most exciting thing to do, ha,ha, but it went well and Chuck made me feel very relaxed. Everyone told me Chuck is a very nice fellow and they were right , Deb and i liked him very much.
It was funny seeing everyones expressions when they saw my two large shovel models for the first time. They thought they looked much larger in person and the 8 people who had to set the models on top of the 4 foot high table really got a feel of the size of the models , ha,ha. We are now getting ready to head back to the auction and have more fun. We also met several people from the DHS Forum last night and they were all very nice.
Have a great Sat. with the ones you love.