September 19, 2024

Digital Photo Frame Birthday Present from Nicole and Bill

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Digital Photo Frame Birthday Present from Nicole and Bill

Digital Photo Frame Birthday Present from Nicole and Bill

Here is a picture of me holding one the presents that Nicole and Bill got for me today. We got it in the mail a few days ago , but we have a rule in our family we don’t open any kind of present early. We all have to wait until that special day.
The reason is many years ago on Christmas Eve we were going to leave early on Christmas morning to go to a family get together . So we had a family meeting and decided to open our Christmas presents early on Christmas Eve.
It was fun sitting around the lighted tree at night and opening them, but
The next morning we were were really sad that we had done it the night before. So about ten minutes into Christmas morning and no presents to open, we called another family meeting and decided we would never open gifts early again even birthdays and such. And we have never regretted it.
So now Deb is waiting til tomorrow to open her Mothers Day presents.
I also got a I-pod gift card for free songs from Nicole and Bill and a new razor from Deb and the new I-pod.
So I am feeling a lot of guilt right now for not being a better dad and husband, LOL.
Deb and I went to the Italian Resturant for supper tonight . Deb had Lasagna and I had the barbecued ribs. We each only ate half of the portion and saved the rest for another day.
Now we are back at the campsite for the evening watching the ships pass by.
It’s been a perfect birthday.