September 20, 2024

Dog Days Of Summer in Northern Michigan

DSC05712, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Too Hot to Weld Toys- My plans for the week have been changed . It is too hot to work in the shop and weld so I have shut down the welder until it cools off a little. We been trying to stay cool with these hot and very humid days. Last year We only ran our air conditioning 2 nights all summer. This summer we have run it the last 21 nights. So things have been much hotter this summer.
I did a short run this morning and only a 10 mile bike ride on the trail and it was already hot and humid by the time I got back. I will do the same thing tomorrow morning again before things heat up.
Todays picture is from one of our trips to the Soo Locks .
First Baby Clothes- Deb and I drove to Petosky this afternoon to buy our first little baby boy clothes for Nicole’s baby that will be born in Jan.
It was fun picking out the first outfits. We also want to go to Jay’s Sporting Goods store and buy him a cute little outdoors type outfit.
Bill will want him to grow up with a gun in the woods and Nicole will want him to grow up with a camera in the woods (:>).
Hope your staying cool.
Have a great Thurs.