September 19, 2024

Don and Debbie Campbell at Mackinaw City with the icy Straits of Mackinaw behind us.

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Don and Debbie Campbell at Mackinaw City with the icy Straits of Mackinaw behind us.

Don and Debbie Campbell at Mackinaw City with the icy Straits of Mackinaw behind us.

Here is a picture I took of Deb and I yesterday as we worked our way home from the Soo Locks. We stopped and looked around Mackinaw City for a little while. There is another picture below this one of Deb and I too. There are also a few other pictures from our weekend getaway if you go to the ( ships) section in the photo gallery section. Even though it was a little nippy by the water, it was still great fun to get a little break from Gaylord for a couple days.
Komatsu SuperDozer Progress- This morning I worked more on the cab and the track wheels. Next I will turn the model upside down and start to do the final sheet metal work under the machine.
JOHN DEERE TRACTOR- Yesterday when we returned from up north, I had Deb drop me off at the shed to get the tractor. I drove it home about suppertime and did some scraping on the snowblower chute and repainted the black on it. I also had to repair the door hinge and the shock absorber/tension bar that hooks to the door. I will work more on the snowblower tonight as I want to get it looking good before I put it away for the summer. I still have some other places I need to scrape and paint yellow.
SWEEPER TRACTOR- It rained most of the morning , but if the sun comes out this afternoon I will go down to the shed and get one of the trailers and bring home one of the small tractors with the front sweeper on it . The last of the snow in my front yard should be gone this afternoon . As soon as the front lawn dries out , I will get to sweeping the stones out of my front yard.
Have a nice Mon.