September 20, 2024

Don and Debbie Campbell at the Petosky Park.

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Don and Debbie Campbell at the Petosky Park.

Don and Debbie Campbell at the Petosky Park.

Here is a picture of us by a little waterfall as we took a break from bike riding on the Petosky bike trails.
They have some very nice trails with one trail that goes north about 10 miles up to Harbor Springs and the other trail goes west about 17 miles to Charlevoix.
The third trail that we designed ourselves was the one we decided to choose , it headed East along the bay up around the rock cliffs about two blocks to the frozen custard shop , ha,ha. We really do like biking (:>).
It was a rainy night at the campground , but the pitter patter of the rain was soothing to fall alseep too .
Cat no. 16 Grader- By the end of this week I could be at the point to post the first pics of it. It still has a ways to go but I am liking what I am seeing so far.
HOUGH PAYDOZER – In two weeks I will cut out the first parts for the Hough Paydozer. It will got to Nebraska to Mike who I built the Western 80 monster haul truck for,
MICHIGAN 675 LOADER- This is another machine I have wanted to build a model of for several years. Now that I have the right looking tires , I will start building it in July.
ACCO DOZER- The worlds largest bulldozer from Italy will be my project for Aug.
Nicole and Bill return home today from thier third Caribbean Cruise. She said the first two were pretty rocky and rolly with the water in the pool spilling out the sides of both ships.
She never tells us til she gets home so we’ll see today when she calls how the weather was.
Day Care update- Deb has been watching pre-schoolers now for 18 years in our home. She has watched over 100 different kids. Several of them were dropped off at our house every week for 8 or 9 years. We are just seeing the first ones graduating from college.
And Deb is watching the first little boy of one of Nicole’s High School Classmates.
With two more of her classmates wanting Deb to watch their new babies in the future.
Deb is great with the kids and we are waiting someday if Nicole decides to have kids to enjoy time with them too. We were married 8 years before we had Nicole and Nicole and Bill have been married now for 7 years. We think waiting to have kids is what made our marriage so strong as Deb and I had so many fun memories . So when Nicole came along we were more than ready to have a great life with her too.
The picture below this one shows Deb and I on the Petosky Pier.
Have a nice Sunday with the ones you love.