September 19, 2024

Don and Debbie Campbell excited about being grandpa and grandma ?

Talking To Nicole about having kids – Well, after a week of vacation with Nicole and Bill , the number one question from every one they run into is always , when are you going to have kids ? Seems all their friends now have two or three kids and want them to have kids too to share the sleepless nights, dirty diapers and no quality time with each other and no free spending money anymore, LOL
Deb and I never ask ask Nicole or Bill that question because we were married 8 years before we had Nicole.
We know those were 8 wonderful years of single life of traveling whenever we wanted to go . It was just like 8 years of being on our honeymoon, ha,ha. We built a very close friendship that still is with us today.
Then after 8 years , the big day came and Deb got pregnant ? and we had a beautiful baby girl. Our life changed alright , but for the better . Nicole brought even more joy to our life because we were so ready for her . And even now she is still bringing much joy to our lives. (:>). We E-mail each other everyday and share our days events with each other. I sometimes tell Deb it is time we might want to think about having another baby too ??? Deb looks at me and is thinking about some four letter words in response I’m sure, ha,ha,ha,
The good news is Nicole did bring up having kids last week for the first time to us.
She said it looks like they will be having two kids , so that was nice to hear. We asked her if she would be expecting anytime soon ?
Her answer was there is a one in a million chance she will get pregnant in the next five years !! So we are very excited !! (:>). I went out and bought a box of cigars just in case, ha,ha.
She also said just as soon as they get the traveling bug out of their system like Deb and I did for eight years. Except we traveled to destinations like the Soo Locks, Traverse City , John Deere Assembly Plants, Cedar Point, Case – IH Assembly Plants, Niagra Falls, Caterpillar Plants, Silver Lake Sand Dunes, etc.
They still have Paris, Switzerland, Alaska , London, Dubaui , and several other destinations to explore before any new additions will be added to the family, (:>).
But we accept it is her life and Deb and I are 100% fine with her decision even if they decide someday not to have kids.
Too many parents today put too much pressure on their kids and they should just let them make choices they want to make regardless of waht we want them to do.
Many divorces today are caused by controling parents and we are smart enough to mind our own business unless asked. (:>).
So it looks like we will be grandpa and grandma in just five more years, yippee !! maybee , ? it is of course 100% their choice (:>).
Todays Picture shows Nicole last week in my workshop next to the next model I am now building.
Have a great Monday !!!!!!!!!!!!