September 20, 2024

Don and Debbie make it to the Soo Campground Fri. afternoon. Our little camper is the fourth one from the left.

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Don and Debbie make it to the Soo Campground Fri. afternoon. Our little camper is the fourth one from the left.

Don and Debbie make it to the Soo Campground Fri. afternoon. Our little camper is the fourth one from the left.

WINDMILLFARM IN SOO, CANADA- We can see the Canadian shoreline from our motorhome window and we can see about 20 newly installed wind generators dotting the horizon. The owner of the campground said they put over 50 of them in the Soo area since last fall to try to get less dependent on foreign oil. It would be fun to drive over to Canada tomorrow and see them up close.
BIKING AROUND Soo, Michigan- Deb and I brought our bikes with us . Many years ago we bought three Cannondale bikes and they still work great after over 12 years.
BIKING IN OTHER COUNTRIES-Sometimes we drive over to Canada and park the motorhome and ride our bikes around Canada. It’s fun biking in other countries, ha,ha.
S00 CARNIVAL – There is a small carnival going on about a block from our campsite. Deb and I walked down there and got a small popcorn and a small bag of carmel corn. Not a good way to start next weeks eating plan, ha,ha.