September 19, 2024

Don and Leon after deliver of his two big shovels.

Leon – Todays picture is of me and Leon standing next to his just delivered two latest monster shovels to Chuck’s DHS Open House .
This was also the first time Deb and I met Leon and his wife Cathie. They are very nice people and we clicked with both of them in the first half hour of visiting . Later that evening they bought us a steak dinner and we really, really clicked , ha,ha,ha,.
But next time we will treet them to a steak dinner just to keep the friendship strong, ha,ha.
Many of you know Leon bought my first two large shovel models so now he has all four of the one of a kind monster shovels I have built. Tomorrow I will start cutting out the first parts for Leons. Monster Mining Truck to go with the big shovels. Leon alos has the only other large Cat Monster Mining Truck I ever built. This is one unique collection !! Very Cool !! Thanks Leon , sorry you couldn’t get more camera time , ha,ha,ha.
OBESE TO BUFF IN 6 WEEKS- Well , I have made it the first week now of eating 100% fresh fruit and veggies and jogging short distances in between walking. I have now lost five lbs. in a week.
I got 6 weeks to make the trip to D.C. and prepare to run with Nicole and Bill in my very first race. (:>) I am very excited !
I may no longer be teased and taunted for being obese ? I’m hoping in six weeks people will be saying, wow ! look at that old man trying to run , he must me nuts, ha,ha,ha.
I know I will do it and I know I could very well finish last, but I am smart enough to know even last place for me is winning a personal challenge I have wanted to do my whole life.
So on this beautiful Sunday morning I closed the window to stop inhaling smoke from the 99 year old chain smoking neighbor lady.
It was just a couple weeks ago I had considered starting to smoke
knowing the neighbor lady is living longer than most people , but today I am going to hold off smoking and keep training .
Deb actually ran for the first time in her life this morning,so hurray for Deb.
This could be God’s plan for me after all to get healthy again, he worked through Nicole to get to me. Once Nicole finished her first race two weeks ago, I was fired up after 25 years of not running.
I still thank God everyday for giving me a great , simple little life.
Even if someday we lose everything , I will never doubt my Heavenly Father. He gives me a inner piece I can’t get anywhere else. Have a Great Sunday with the ones you love.
Remember , Jesus is the reason for all seasons, even camping season (:>).