September 19, 2024

Don Campbell and James next to the mining shovel Don operated in the coal mines of southern Va.

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Don Campbell and James next to the mining shovel Don operated in the coal mines of southern Va.

Don Campbell and James next to the mining shovel Don operated in the coal mines of southern Va.

I remember sitting in the seat of this monster Terex shovel and working the controls digging a few big rocks. I remember how I felt so powerful and safe inside there. Now after this week seeing these machines being buried so quickly , it sure makes me feel different. To think Diddle and John are just two of hundreds of operators working in these conditions there whole lives. If you go to the (video ) section you can see me operating the big shovel and see how the rocks are falling in front of us. While I was in the shovel we felt a bump on the side of the shovel . Diddle said he thinks it was a rock hitting us. Most of the D-11 Dozers had dents in them and now I know how they got there.