September 19, 2024

Don Campbell checks out John Deeres in Maryland at Gladhill Tractor John Deere Dealership on his way to Wash. D.C.

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Don Campbell checks out John Deeres in Maryland at Gladhill Tractor John Deere Dealership on his way to Wash. D.C.

Don Campbell checks out John Deeres in Maryland at Gladhill Tractor John Deere Dealership on his way to Wash. D.C.

Here is one of two pictures Deb took of me yesterday on our drive from Northern Michigan to Wash. D.C. to see Nicole and Bill over spring break. It’s always nice to stop randomly and take driving breaks, ha,ha. especially if there is nice shiny green machinery nearby (:>). I was also looking for red and blue and yellow and orange machinery, ha,ha.
The weather was sunny and mild for the 12 hour drive. The trucks were heavier than normal on the turnpike this time, but we managed to blend in with them just fine.
The Cherry Blossoms are in full bloom and Bill already mowed his lawn this week. Nicole has been busy baking banana nut break and brownies for us to munch on while we are here. We sampled the peanut butter brownies last night, umm good!!
We will probably not spend much time in the car today as we need a little break from riding after yesterdays long drive.
It is sunny and looks like a beautiful day for our first day in the city.
The picture below this one shows me standing by a cool John Deere mailbox someone made.