September 19, 2024

Don Campbell , Gaylord resident posts 6 final assembly pictures of his Hitachi EX-8000 Mining Shovel.

Hitachi Assembly Pictures- Today is another of 6 new pictures I just posted of different stages of me putting together the painted parts of the Hitachi Mining Shovel Model.
COUNTDOWN TO CHRISTMAS IS OVER- Well the long awaited day arrived as Nicole and Bill pulled in our driveway for another great visit and now the months and weeks and days of waiting for Christmas morning is over , now it’s just a few more hours. The gifts are stacked nice and neat under and around the Christmas tree tonight on this Christmas Eve as Deb and I look forward to tomorrow morning. We see the excitement in Nicole and Bill’s eyes and the little boy and the little girl we knew over the last 30 Christmas mornings.
Each family has their own Christmas morning traditions and we have ours . Tonight I feel a little sad knowing it is finally here and all to quickly Nicole and Bill will be pulling out of the driveway and heading back to D.C. and we will all be dripping tears as they drive off. So we will make sure everything goes great and we all have the best Christmas Day together and give extra hugs and a few extra ( I Love You’s ) and even if I get socks or a tie or a scarf I will be smiling from ear to ear (:>). Because I know how special tomorrow is . When you only see your only child 4 times a year, we can’t waste a minute not having fun. (:>).
We got up this morning to go run at the Sportsplex and got there and it was closed. So then we decided to all do a little shopping . After that we were going to go snowshoeing .
Tonight is all the activities at church.
America is in real trouble , we need to pray for this country .
But whatever happens between now and next Christmas , we all need to enjoy tomorrow with our loved ones.
Peace on Earth
From Don, Deb, Nicole and Bill
and a Very Merry Christmas !!!!!!!!!!