September 20, 2024

Don Campbell gets a 2010 Ford Fusion today .

Ford Fusion – Deb and I have been looking since last fall at cars trying to decide what to buy . We narrowed it down to Toyota or Ford and decided we should go with the Ford. We have not had very many Fords over the years but our motorhome is a Ford and it has been our best buy . It has given us several years of trouble free camping fun.
MOTORHOME – This week we pulled the motorhome out of storage and brought it home to air it out and slowly start packing it up for the fun summer camping weekends. Even with gas prices a dollar a gallon higher this year over last and gas prices probably going higher it is good we already live in Northern Michigan so we don’t have to drive more than a hour in any direction to reach a nice scenic State Park or county campground destination.
Day 9 of Weightwatchers and Red Lobster- We decided to celebrate yesterday after getting the Ford Fusion and went out for lunch with my folks to Red Lobster . Deb and I had a plan before we got there not to eat any of the delicious biscuits or not have any greasy fish or any delicious french fries or any pop and we decided the baked potato would be too high in calories too . And we decided no dessert for sure.
What we did order was a small house salad with the cheese and dressing on the side, brocolli and the low calorie grilled shrimp . And to drink just lemon water. Surprisingly when we left we felt very proud of our choices and did not feel that sickly feeling from over eating. This is day 9 for us on Weightwatchers . It’s like anything, we just take it one day at a time. I have lost 8 lbs. so that is a great start and Deb is doing excellent too.
Portions are small but fresh fruit and fresh raw veggies is almost unlimited for snacking and when you are really hungry they really do taste great.
P&H 5700 Carbody- Today i am cutting out the parts that will connect the two track frames together . Can’t wait to get this monster of a model on tracks and see it start to really take some shape.
Monday i should get started on the first track pads.
Have a great Thurs. !!