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Here is a picture of me that was not on the webpage before. It shows me opening the door and checking the view from the top , ha,ha.
SEVEN MONTHS OF WAITING – It has been seven months since Deb and I made the trip to Indy to the National Truck and Construction Toy Show. It was then I spotted 10 offroad tires and rims and I just had to buy them. After I bought them, I asked the fellow if he could get more of them for me. He said he would try . It was not a easy task , he had to contact several people several times and it just didn’t look like it would be possible. Even the hobby shops did not list these in their files. Well, I’m excited to say by Fri. of this week I will have a total of ( FORTY-EIGHT ) OF THESE very cool tires and rims.
To most people 48 toy tires have no use whatsoever. But to me they just open my mind to so many more great future projects like the Monster Haul Truck in this picture I am sitting in. Although the one I will build will be the T-282 which is larger yet.
KOMATSU SUPERDOZER PAINTING – I am painting the first two coats of paint on the smaller parts this afternoon. (TEREX TITAN HAUL TRUCK PLANS)- In between painting the parts I will work more on the design plans for the Titan Monster Truck. (SIX MORE INCHES OF SNOW FOR WED. - The weatherman is saying another winter storm heading our way for tomorrow and possibly another one for this Sat. Spring is not looking too good yet, ha,ha.