September 19, 2024

Don Campbell gets his backyard back after 25 years , wide open spaces as the Dixie Chicks would say.

Wide Open Spaces- For the last 25 years we have had daycare kids and toys scattered across our backyard and a big fort . We had a lot of fun times and the kids actualy helped keep us young. Now that Deb is no longer watching kids it feels so great to have wide open spaces in the backyard !! I still have to get rid of the stagecoach and the hot tub and finish grading . Then I will build a retaining wall along the sound end of the lawn , lay some patio blocks , paint the shed white and plant the rest area to have nice green grass (:>).
Snow on the ground this morning – We woke up and looked out the window to see fresh fallen snow on the ground.
It’s all good though knowing we accomplished so much with the early spring weather.
Hey Deb ! What’s for lunch ? Chocolate Covered Potato Chips
Bruce has a special this week to all his facebook friends to buy two bags of chocolate covered potato chips and get the third bag free so we couldn’t resist it. He has a link where you can order them online, yum !! ( alpine chocolate haus gaylord ) on google .
P&H 5700 – Today i am working on designing the next parts under the main frame .
Have a nice Sat. !!!!!!!!