September 20, 2024

Don Campbell , Glenn and his Cat no. 10 Scraper.

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Don Campbell , Glenn and his Cat no. 10 Scraper.

Don Campbell , Glenn and his Cat no. 10 Scraper.

NINETY – SIX DEGREES – The thermometer at the bank yesterday said 96 degrees. That is hot for Northern Michigan this early in the summer. Deb and I have been getting up early and getting our three mile walk in when it is cooler.
SAD FAMILY NEWS – Deb and I are failing at our latest weight loss program. It just looks like our family and friends are going to have to like us as a couple and a half instead of just a couple, LOL !!
Seriously, We are not discouraged , over the weekend we biked 20 miles and we walked 20 miles and we were proud we were the healthiest plump old people on the trails, ha,ha. No, Really !! (:>).
GLAD FAMILY NEWS- My mom and sister spent the afternoon with my brother and his wife and she said they were doing the best yet. She said they had a room full of company and everyone was was having a nice time . She said Dan isn’t on any painkillers now and he was feeling very good. Mom said he will probably be home by the end of this week. She said Debbie is getting around in the wheelchair and making great progress too. So in just over two weeks , they have made excellent progress.
Cat 10 Scraper- Here is another cool old machine the owner , Glen showed us at the Antique Outdoor Caterpillar Museum or Deb’s version; Another junkyard to walk through, ha,ha.
Hough Paydozer Scraper Model Progress- I am doing this one a little different and today I am building the engine. I should get it done and bolted into the frame by tonight. Normally I wait til last to build the engine, but i wanted to change the normal building routine .
Have a nice Tues.