October 4, 2024

Don Campbell holding the completed Hendrickson Truck Model next to the real one

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Don Campbell holding the completed Hendrickson Truck Model next to the real one

Don Campbell holding the completed Hendrickson Truck Model next to the real one

Here is one of three pictures of the finished Hendrickson Truck Model. There are two more pictures of it parked in the snow below this one.
VIDEO CLIP OF HENDRICKSON TRUCK MODEL- Deb just completed the video and we just put it on the webpage . We see the videos aren’t very clear , but you can still kinda get a little idea of how it looks.
I will post several more pics of the finished model tomorrow.
THIRTY DEGREES – We got a warm spell in Gaylord, and it feels great!!! Nothing is melting, but it sure seems mild out.
KOMATSU 575A SUPER DOZER- This morning I began cutting out the first parts.