September 19, 2024

Don Campbell needs to build a homeade motorgrader to add to his backyard toys, ha,ha.

Motorgraders- I have always loved motorgraders too . I have seen a few very cool looking mini compact graders . This picture shows a cool project from a wheelhorse garden tractor.
Hey Deb !, What’s for Supper ?- Chinese , we went out and had a free meal . The neighbor hauled some steel scraps , the old bucket and some other iron for me and we split the money and I gave him 100 and I got 50 so I took my best girl out for supper (:>).
SIX INCHES OF SNOW – I knew we would get more cold air and more snow and sure enough it returns tomorrow . But that is fine as i have accomplished a lot with this early spring.
P&H Boom Progress- I got the boom framing all done and the side steel now attached to the boom and the pivot holes drilled out.
Next I will work on the top of the boom and get it all roughed in and ready for the top pullies. I will get the top of the boom done by tomorrow night and Friday I will start designing the top cable pullies.
Can’t wait to see it take more shape. I figure one more week after this the business end of the monster crawler should be looking good. I also still have to go back and finish the bucket teeth and such but for now i want to move ahead with other larger structures.
Have a great Wed. !!