September 20, 2024


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BOATNERD- Many of you know I am a little bit of a boat nerd too. Deb and I have camped at the Soo Locks for over 25 years. Before that we stayed in the Ojibaway Hotel that overlooked the Soo Locks. We have a lifetime of memories watching the freighters too.
With less than 30 days until the Soo Locks open again for the 2007 Shipping Season I had to post a shipping picture.
Deb was up in the bridge of the IceBreaker Mackinaw when she took this picture of me watching the Coasty’s as we headed out towards the Straits of Mackinaw to open the shipping lanes. You can see the track in the ice from the previous trip the icebreaker took and that refroze.
People used to ask us how we got to ride the Mackinaw 6 times. I told them that Nicole dated the Captains son for about one year. So I want to thank Nicole too for these fun memories, ha,ha.
TWELVE INCH SNOWSTORM HEADING OUR WAY- The weatherman is saying 6 to 12 inches of snow for our area for tomorrow. Maybe we will get the full 12″, oh yea!! ha,ha. There are some people who do not like the big snowstorms, but I am not one of them. If it’s winter, we need a good snowstorm at least once a week. (:>).
KOMATSU 575A SUPER DOZER MODEL- I got the second track frame done and now I am working on the sprockets and main frame so I can attach the track frames to it. I should get that all done this afternoon . Then I will start cutting out the 180 plus track pad and grouser parts.
LONGVIEW , TEXAS- I have mentioned we are going to take a new adventure in a few weeks to see some big machinery.
We are going to Longview to the LeTourneau Factory. We were invited to come down a couple years ago when the second L-2350 Loader was built, but we were unable to go .
There are only two 54 yard bucket monsterLeTourneau L-2350 loaders in the world.
Well, that is going to change in the next several weeks to THREE MONSTER L-2350 Loaders. And it looks like it will work out we can make the trip down to see it. I have two friends that work there. So we will get a personal tour from them and they will also probably take Deb and I out for some real Texas BEST BARBECUE RIBS !!!!, LOL.
No, not really, actually, I will treat them to the ribs!! for their kindness.
We will probably also take them to the mall for a shopping Spree !!! LOL . Hey Butch and Dale!, we are counting the days to see that monster loader!! Well, I am counting the days, I’m not so sure Deb is, ha,ha,