September 20, 2024

Don Campbell says ” live like you are Dying “

There is a country western song about live like you were dying . Everytime I hear it I think about how true it is and how I try to live that way. The true test will be on my last day to see how many regrets I have. So far I think I will be just fine.
My folks health is not so good so I am taking a break from toy building and spending time with them.
We had talked about doing this for several years but never did. This year it happened , I was posting old pictures for that reason. I understand many visitors only like the toy building but many more enjoy the old pictures and my family pictures and my snowplowing pictures as well. This is my webpage and the old pictures mean more to me than the toy pictures. I understand if you want to delete my sight from your favorites.
Todays picture is also a picture from the past of Deb , Nicole and I camping and making early memories together. My old pictures are priceless to me because now Nicole is all grown up and these pictures are very special.
The fact Deb and I can enjoy these pictures together after 37 years is also very special. At our age the odds of one of us having health problems gets greater every year.
This time with my folks will be very special as Nicole and Bill will also be flying to join us.
My folks are ok but this time together to make more memories and take more pictures is due.
A little break from the webpage might be in order.
Thanks again for so many nice e-mails from the thousands of cities and little towns around the world.
Have a great evening ,
Don and Debbie