September 19, 2024


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LITTLE RED CORVETTE VIDEO – I posted another new video today of me dusting off the Little Red Corvette for the first time this year. This is the first time it has been started and pulled out of storage this year. If you got to the ( video ) section and go to ( the campbell family ) , the Corvette video shows me wiping off the Vette this morning in my driveway.
As many of you know, Corvettes have been a big part of our life. I bought my first one when Deb and I were dating 35 years ago the year I got out of High School.
Out of those 35 years , we have had a Corvette sitting in our garage for 33 of those years. It’s not something we use a lot , but something we have had so many fun memories in.
We put about 1000 miles on it each year and it is still fun to drive . We talked about selling it the last two years , but we know we would miss it and just want to go buy another one. I have taken good care of it and I have never driven it in the rain even one time. So it is very clean . As I said before about our last Corvette we had, I owned it for 4 years and when we sold it it only had ( Eight -Hundred ) miles on it. That’s right!, only Eight-Hundred , one owner miles. It would not have had that many miles on it, but the dealership people drove it 130 miles up north to our house, ha,ha.
Komatsu Dozer picture- Thanks for all the nice e-mails about the progress on the superdozer model so far. Glad you all like it so far.
I got the other drive sprocket wheel assembly done. Next I will work on the two front sprocket shields.
SOO LOCKS- Tonight at midnight the locks open and the Freighters will begin their first trip through the locks for the 07 shipping season. If it is rainy and foggy tomorrow we will not make the 3 hour round trip drive up there. But if the sun is shining and it is nice, we will go .
SNOW CONDITIONS- With all the rain the last few days , you can see in the background of this picture we have lost almost all of our snow. I’m sure we will still get one more snow of four or five inches.
SPRING CLEANUP- Next week I may go get the tractors and put the sweeper on one of them and sweep a couple front lawns . I will not get the other tractor and vacuum system and dethatcher until we return from spring break.
Have a nice Sat.