September 20, 2024

Don Campbell’s RH-400 Shovel 1/12th scale.

Mining Equipment – Todays picture shows me attaching the top revolving section of the Shovel onto the track frame/ carbody portion of the model. You can also see for the first time the cab with the roof in place sitting on top.
NEW GAYLORD MEIJERS NOT SO GREAT ? Deb and I waited over 20 years for a Meijers store to be built in Gaylord. But after shopping now 10 times at the new store we decided like the large selection but the service is poor.
Each time we have had poor service at the deli and unfriendly people and more than once they were out of the type of salad we wanted. Then long lines at the checkout stand with very slow , unfriendly checkers and no baggers as they try to encourage you to go to the self checkout lanes so they don’t have to wait on you at all. I worked in the grocery business 20 years and it is just must be the next generation of stores not worried about customer service. Yes, the floors look shiny, the shelves are nicely displayed, nice produce and meat department , but without service it is just another store? So now we have Glens Market and Meijers that have poor customer service.
The Gaylord Wal-mart does provide the best service out of the three stores in Gaylord. Oh Well, we’re old , we got nothing better to do anyway, ha,ha. But we see other people not so easy going in the lines.
We hate the Gaylord Home Depot too for service , there will be three checkers standing doing nothing and as we walk up with our purchases , they all point to the self checkout lane ?? Duh ? What the H_ _ _ are they even there for !!
And they continue to stand there and make us check out ourselves.
Sure is funny how big business is now all about more profit and less service. Next they will be having the customers stocking the shelves too !! ha,ha,
Warmer Gaylord Weather – This morning the temps were 10 degrees warmer and very pleasant walking. It is rare we see anyone walking around town. In the 25 years we have walked around Gaylord , there are maybe 10 other people who walk on a regular basis. That is not very many people and we know 60% of them are in worse shape than us and they should all be getting daily walks.
Have a great Thurs.