July 3, 2024

Don Campbell’s Scratch Built Toy Truck

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Don Campbell’s Scratch Built Toy Truck

Don Campbell’s Scratch Built Toy Truck

Here is another picture Deb took of me yesterday holding the finished truck model. At 40 lbs, , I had to rest it on my knee after Deb took a few pics of me holding it out in front of me standing up. It’s a heavy truck model. As always I like to remind everyone I am the first to admit my models are far from perfect. I had no measurements of the real truck until it was done. Recently a nice fellow sent me some specs of it. I used 10 pictures to build it and I want to give a thanks again to Lynn and Kevin for the pictures. It is a very cool looking model. And it’s another one of a kind model.
VIDEO CLIP- We posted the video clip yesterday of the finished truck on my webpage, it’s under the Video section, under ( models.)
THIRTY -FOUR DEGREES- Spring has sprung, I just went down to the shed and got the tractor and brought it home. I will give it a good hand washing and wiping now the warm weather is hear. I love it when the temps get warm like this . Anytime I can hand wash the vehicles in the driveway and the sponge doesn’t freeze to it, it’s a good wash day, ha,ha. 34 degrees it won’t freeze , I am thinking about getting some shorts on, LOL.
KOMATSU SUPER DOZER- I worked on it this morning and I got about 100 pieces cut out for the first track frame . It doesn’t look like anything yet, it will take another week before the track assemblies will start to take shape.
I also posted a second picture below this one of me holding the completed toy truck model.