September 19, 2024

Don Campbell’s Terex Titan Truck Model overhead view

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Don Campbell’s Terex Titan Truck Model overhead view

Don Campbell’s Terex Titan Truck Model overhead view

This picture I took today along with three more I just posted in the Euclid section shows the truck almost complete and ready for the body work to begin. So far all the pictures have showed all the welds and no body work done yet. You can see from this view inside the box the drill holes where I welded each side brace on that went on the outside of the box. As always none of my models are perfect or even close to it. But once again I am very pleased how this Monster Titan Truck Model is turning out. I had very little info on it showing the inside structures.
NICE RAIN FOR US TODAY- It started raining early this morning and it is still raining here. We really welcome it and if all goes well , tomorrow night I should be sitting down to another fresh batch of breaded, fried Moral Muchrooms, umm !!
The picture below this one shows another view without the box.