September 20, 2024

Don Checks out this Cool Chicago Train at Port Huron

Toy Trains and Model Trains and working half scale trains – Deb and I were in Port Huron over the weekend participating in Boatnerd Days and we spotted this hand built C&N train . It was trucked from Chicago for the days events and giving people free rides around town on it. It sure caught my eye with all the metal workmanship involved to build it. I could see myself making something like this someday .
RAINY MONDAY AND COLD- It’s another cold day in Gaylord today and a cold rain to go with it. Our furnace is still kicking on several times a day and night. Deb and I did get our morning walk done at 6:00am and made it back just before the rain started.
FAMOUS DAVES RIBS- I am sitting here eating the last of a slab of barbe-cued ribs we bought Friday in Saginaw at Famous Daves Resturaunt. umm ! Deb and I both got the lunch special with 3 ribs each and we ordered a full slab of ribs to go . So I munched a couple ribs each day , (:>).
GETTING LOST IN FLINT, MICHIGAN – Flint, Michigan is one of the worst cities in the U.S. for unemployment and crime. Yesterday on our way home from Port Huron we took the backroads to do a little sightseeing and we missed our corner and drove into the Flint City Limits ?? Not exactly where we wanted to be (:<)
So we quickly headed north at the next light and made our way out past the Flint Auto Auction I used to drive cars down to 30 years ago.
We were a little nervous until we got out north of the city.
Duluth , Minn. – Ever since we rode the Great Lakes Frieghter to Duluth, Minn. , we have talked about driving to Duluth some summer. It is looking good this summer to make the trip. This is Deb’s last full week of watching the daycare kids and then she just works two days a week. Then one week she will take the whole week off and we will head to Duluth. We think in Aug. as it should be above freezing and the snow should be gone by then, ha,ha.
O&K RH-400 Mining Shovel Progress- Today i am working welding the inside frame to the outside panels. None of the outside panels were square, they all have angles of some sort. So I had to get the outside shapes first and then weld in the frame structure afterwards.
Have a Great Monday !!