September 20, 2024

Don inside the shocel cab showing how small of an area the trapped miner is in, still not been able to locate the machines Thues. morning.

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Don inside the shocel cab showing how small of an area the trapped miner is in, still not been able to locate the machines Thues. morning.

Don inside the shocel cab showing how small of an area the trapped miner is in, still not been able to locate the machines Thues. morning.

The sad news this morning is John and the others that have been busy for over 30 hours now digging away at the fallen rock and dirt have still not been able to even locate the buried machines.
One man on the recovery site said they aren’t even sure where the exact location of the machines were before the side of the mountain collapsed. He said the families now know who is trapped but are not releasing the names yet. They are trying to move rocks the size of two pickup trucks. You can see me sitting inside the cab here of John’s shovel and you can see how much room the trapped miner has and how much air he has inside it.
I will update the page later today if I hear more from John’s friend. We are continuing to pray for these trapped miners.