September 19, 2024

Don, Nicole and a puppy moment

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Don, Nicole and a puppy moment

Don, Nicole and a puppy moment

I guess I am going to squeeze in a picture today of a touching moment with Nicole and her puppy . This picture was taken a while back and on Father’s Day I was looking back at the photo albums wondering if I had been a good dad or not.
I smiled at many of the pictures and got as little teared up over other ones of Nicole’s childhood gone by .
I came to the conclusion I was a pretty good dad. I have plenty of dad and Nicole pictures of us doing fun things together with Deb.
Nicole and Deb have been my first priority my whole life. Even someday if I lose everything else, I will still have it all , knowing the close bond the three of us have have built over the years.
DAN AND DEBBIE PROGRESS- My mom said Dan was up walking again yesterday and the doctors are ready to have him leave the Hospital today or tomorrow for the rehab center . Debbie has one problem they are trying to get fixed and she too could be released to the rehab center in the next couple days. Back surgery sometimes causes people to stop some of their normal body functions for a week or longer. That is the case with Debbie.
So things are looking very good for Dan and pretty good for Debbie too to head to rehab soon.
HOUGH PAYDOZER MODEL PROGRESS- I feel a little weird updating my newest model along with updating my families progress, ha,ha. I got the front platform for the operators station cut out and welded into place. I also have the rear grille and radiator housing built and welded to the rear of the frame. I am working now on the forward cowl section that will support the engine hood when that gets built.
DON IN A SPEEDO CONCLUSION- We went to the beach the other day and before we left , I tried on that Speedo Deb bought me nine years ago that I have been unable to wear in the past.
After tugging a little I called Deb to come and see what she thought of how it looked on me. I told her to be very honest, but I also asked her to wait to give her opinion until I did my best five poses. She was kind as always and she said it actually fit nice but maybe a little snug.
But she did say I better wait til I could get it on both legs, LOL !!!!!!!!!!! Oh Yea !! I’m back with a little more humor you all love about me, ha,ha,ha,ha,ha