September 20, 2024

Don’s Favorite Two Models, the Liebherr R9800 Excavator Model and Nicole, who looks like a Model from Hollywood. (:>).

Don’s two favorite creations- Todays picture shows I do have talent after all, to be able to create these two beautiful models , (:>).
Well, I guess I better give Deb a little of the credit too for helping to create the model on the right , Nicole, LOL
We took this picture yesterday of Nicole next to my latest Model Project.
Everywhere we went this week around the family get togethers we could hear everyone comment how Nicole looks like a movie star.
Especially Nicole’s little nephews , they just followed her around like she was a Beauty Queen . It was pretty cute to see them coming back several times to just stare and set by Nicole . Most of them have not seen Nicole for a couple years.
Nicole sure is our Princess and we are very proud of her. Many of her high school friends still live in Gaylord and we realize it is scary these days to move away to a big city. But she did it and has adjusted very well to life in Washington D.C. There is no area she cannot go to around the city. She even drives downtown by the monuments with no problem. This is amazing knowing she grew up in this little Northern Michigan Town of Gaylord with just three stop lights .
Today Nicole and Bill will make the drive back and the adjustment back to D.C. life with memories that will last until we see them again in the fall.
Their next adventure in Aug they will cruise to Alaska and they asked us to go too, but that is not our idea of fun. Those big boats rock and roll and Nicole admits it. They love the cruise ships and have done several cruises. Also they have N.Y.C. , London, England , and Switzerland scheduled for the next 12 months.
Nicole has no intentions of having kids yet, she loves this life and her career and traveling with Bill. She said she has several years yet before she plans to have four or five cute little baby’s running around in diapers . (:>).
Thanks Nicole and Bill for another great week together,
There is no better feeling for parents to see your kids happy and doing good and enjoying a life of their own.
To have a son-in-law as nice as Bill is just the iceing on the cake , he is so kind to Nicole and they have a best friend relationship too like Deb and I do. The whole time we are all together, we have so many laughs like four good friends would have.
It is a big gap between our four visits together a year , but we sure do enjoy those four weeks each year together.
HAVE A GREAT SATURDAY – Enjoy today and don’t worry about tomorrow !!