September 19, 2024

Don’s Friend Butch operating the LeTourneau L-2350 Worlds largest Wheel Loader

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Don’s Friend Butch operating the LeTourneau L-2350 Worlds largest Wheel Loader

Don’s Friend Butch operating the LeTourneau L-2350 Worlds largest Wheel Loader

Here is a picture Butch sent me of the L-2350 Monster Loader we were invited down to Texas to see roll off the assembly line last month.
Because of the large number of orders for smaller loaders, the completion date of this monster was pushed back . So we were unable to make the trip .
As many of you know , this was the second time we were invited . The first time we were invited by the people from LeTourneau was when the second L-2350 was built. But that was in Jan. and we could not get away because of my snowplowing business.
My friend Butch who has E-mailed me for over two years also works for LeTourneau and he has been drooling over this 2350 waiting to get behind the controls. Well, here are two pictures of this beauty getting it’s first hours on it.
Butch has operated LeTourneau loaders most of his life and he said he was very surprised of the enormous size of it even after running the latest L-1850’s.
I’d also like to add Butch was one of the highest production loader operators in the business. He said he can load 80 tons in 35 seconds. Very Impressive !!!! Thanks for the pictures Butch !!
Weighing in at around 160,000 lbs. and a standard operating bucket of 53 yards it definately puts the competitors a knotch or two below them.
With 2,300 H.P. under the hood, it has plenty of power to get the job done. Keeping the machine going is a 1,050 gallon fuel tank and keeping the hydraulics working good is a 382 gallon hydraulic tank.
It sounds like LeTourneau is definatley on the right track and it sounds like there will be more of them in the future.
DAN AND DEBBIE – The best news yet is what we heard from my mom yesterday . Mom said the doctors told Dan he could go HOME, and did not need to go to a rehab center !! That was Great news meaning Dan’s injuries can be taken care of from home and they are not as bad as originally thought. They are supposed to be moving them today to the rehab center. Mom said Dan is reluctant to leave Debbie and wants to stay with her at the rehab Center .
The fact Debbie is leaving the hospital is also positive news.
Debbie will be moved closer to their home town as soon as they ok her progress to do that.
Hopefully this will bring everyone closer to God ,
and thanks again for all the prayers so far.