September 19, 2024

Don’s next model project ; A Hough Paydozer

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Don’s next model project ; A Hough Paydozer

Don’s next model project ; A Hough Paydozer

My mom said Dan was up walking a little bit yesterday , but she said Dan said it hurt a lot to walk. But they will have to get him up everyday to help him get going again. But she said for the most part Dan is doing very well. He is a real go-getter !!!
Debbie has a much longer recovery ahead and it will be a while yet before she tries walking the first time. Debbie is a fighter though , and she will get through this too in time.
My mom and sister will visit them again today and I will let post the newest update on tomorrows daily blog/ webpage.
I got another very nice E-mail yesterday from a E-mail friend from England saying their family lit a special candle on Sunday for Dan and Debbie at their church. That was very thoughtful.
Last night I received a E-mail from the Jim Decker , who is the Reed City Fire Chief. He was asking about Dan and Debbie and said he was the first person at the scene of Dan and Debbies Harley Motorcycle Accident. He said when he saw the firefighter sticker on Dan’s motorcycle , and he said , he knew he was working on one of their own.
Jim told me that Rich Hubble from the Evart , from the Liberty Dairy , where Dan made weekly delivers was asking about the accident and hoping Dan and Debbie was going to be alright.
So thanks again everyone and I will continue to update each day as I have since the first day of their progress. If you go back several pictures you can follow their progress from the first day.
Thanks again for all the prayers for Dan and Debbie
NEXT MODEL PROJECT – The above picture is of the model I am now building , it is a Hough Paydozer. It was used to push scrapers as you can see the blade is quite small for pushing large amounts of dirt. This model will also have a rear ripper assembly built onto it like the one in the above picture.
Videos update- As many of you know in Jan. Nicole set me up to have videos on my webpage . Over the last few months Deb , Nicole and I have put together almost 80 video clips of a variety of subjects.
The videos range from me riding and operating some of the largest machines in the world, us on the last voyage of the ice breaker Mackinaw, our family , me snowplowing , and some video of my models on my workbench.
I just hit 1000 visitors on one of the videos , so I want to thank all of you who are visiting my webpage each week and also thank you for checking out the videos. It’s still amazing to think I have had over 800,000 hits to my webpage. I must be doing something right, ha,ha
Thanks again Nicole for making it for me , it’s still pretty cool sharing my models and my family with so many nice people all over the world.