September 19, 2024

Don’s uncle operating a Buckeye 403 ladder digger in 1953.

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Don’s uncle operating a Buckeye 403 ladder digger in 1953.

Don’s uncle operating a Buckeye 403 ladder digger in 1953.

Here is a cool old picture of my Uncle Dick Lewis on a cool old Buckeye Trencher from the past that was taken around 1953 in Grabill, Indiana.
He did a lot of construction work in Ohio too.
I get a lot of regular visitors every week from Indiana so maybe some of you remember this machine and my uncle Dick ruining your front yard , ha,ha.
My aunt Marianne sent me this picture and the one below this picture of them by the Cat D-8 that he operated for many years.
It is pretty cool to take family pictures of people by the machines they run. It is a big part of their lives. My uncle stills loves machinery too.
My family is missing something as we don’t have a single family picture from my childhood of us by a piece of machinery, ha,ha.
It is very surprising how I love machinery so much with my limited background of operating it . I never worked for a construction company , but I did run a dozer for a short time and I did run loaders for short times over the years. But I sure do have the machinery bug in me.
Everywhere we go I am always on the lookout for machinery sitting around. I still have so many machines I want to build into models.
I sat down a few weeks ago and started listing future machines I want to build models of and I stopped at 125 . I guess I love most all of them, ha,ha.
I remember going to my aunt and uncles in Ohio as a little boy and thinking even then about my uncle Dick was so cool because he drove such a monster of a machine.
And I couldn’t help think my dad just had a pipe wrench that he took to work as a pipefitter. Don’t get me wrong!!, it was a good sized pipe wrench, LOL.
But one day my dad took his pipe wrench and left us kids and never came back. So then my uncle Dick really became my hero because he never left his kids either , ha,ha.
Dan and Debbie — Deb and I are finally calming down after so many sleepless nights thinking we almost lost both of them in the motorcycle accident.
My mom said last night that Dan had no trouble adjusting to the routine of the therapist .
You do what they say or you spend the rest of your life in a wheelchair. Somehow that would get a clear message to anyone, ha,ha.
Debbie is a real fighter and has been good since the first day knowing what lays ahead for her slow recovery with so many broken bones to heal.
p.s. – Just to calm all the nephews after yesterdays , who is my favorite nephew post, I like them pretty much equal , LOL !!!
Have a nice Sat. with the ones you love.