September 19, 2024


donstrainwheelswidened, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Model Railroading – Todays picture shows a different angle of the first prototype truck wheel assembly . I rebuilt the first two wheels and now I am happy with the new design. I will continue to work on the design for the axles and swivel frame . This is a really big project and much more involved than I orginally thought. I have a lot of hours into just this first outside truck frame. But it is a real challange and I do like that. I also think the overall model is looking very good and my imagination says it is going to look great when finished. (:>).
This picture still shows the original wheel pattern.
FUN Day with Deb- I worked this morning and then Deb and I headed out in the sunshine and mild weather and had a fun afternoon together. We posted some pics on my facebook page.
We rode to the Quarry at Rogers City.
Have a great Wed.