October 4, 2024

Downstate Panic !!!! Very Funny

ahundred3inches, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

12 inches of snow !!! People who live up north laugh at the people who live downstate when it comes to snow . Sure they drive up for the weekend and then go back to a couple inches of snow or often no snow . These are the same people who have never shoveled a roof and we do it two or three times every winter. We are so used to shoveling our driveways it is just like going to take out the trash. We just do it.
We can get 12 to 15 inches of snow and never get mentioned on the news. We now have just over 100 inches and not a word . These people who think they live in Central and Southern Michigan and tell everyone yes they know what real winters are don’t have a clue lol
Usually every week or two all their snow is gone until the next 2 inch storm hits . With us the snow that falls in Nov. and Dec. is the same snow underneath the 160 inches to 200 inches that is still there in April .
Deb and I usually drive down to Alma a few times each winter and it feels almost like were in Florida , ha,ha.
If we drive to Lansing we really think were in Florida. So this is good for people to get a little taste of what people who really live up north go through every day. (:>)
Nobody makes a big deal about it here , no news warnings every five minutes, we just get up everyday and shovel and go to work .
I can’t imagine if Central Michigan got a 100 inches of snow. I’m sure the national guard would be called in, ha,ha,ha.
Hey, the bottom line is just enjoy it , life is short , just snuggle up by the fire and turn off your tv and phones and enjoy a old fashioned quality time type afternoon with your kids.
20 below zero windchill and I was out laying under the loader outside this morning fixing a leaking hydraulic hose, no big deal , ha, ha,ha
Have a great snow day !!!