September 19, 2024

Drive-in’s, Diners and Dives , Earl’s Resturaunt and the John Deere Cotton Picker Don Campbell built for him.

Drive-in’s , Diners and Dives- There is a TV show Deb and I enjoy watching every week where they go visit all these cool out of the way eating places with the best food in town. Best kept secrets kinda, except the locals all know. Friday on the food channel at 5:00 they are going to visit Earl’s Drive-in in New York near Buffalo . We met Earl a few years ago at the National Farm Toy Show in Dyersville, Iowa. He told me he wanted me to build him a one of a kind John Deere Cotton Picker just like the real one he has restored. So the next year I built him this one in todays picture of me holding Earl’s finished model. He has called me a few times and thanked me and told me he just loves the model and displays it in his resturaunt. He told us if we ever stop by he would treat us to a free meal, but we never made it.
He did say the model was in plain view of the customers and we are going to watch for sure to see if we get a peak at my model maybe in the background, (:>).
Earl is a super nice fellow and out of the hundreds and hundreds of people we have met and talked to at toy shows , Earl is on our top ten list . Very , Very nice man .
EIGHTY DEGREES – Most people in Gaylord are packed up and ready to head out to Florida tonight and it’s hard to believe it will get 80 degrees here today. Very strange, but we’ll take it, ha,ha.
Hey Deb !, What’s for Lunch ?- Homeade cole slaw and a half a sandwich on whole grain bread and a dozen almonds and a small glass of 100% unsweetened grape juice.
RUNNING – My best morning so far , the good food choices is paying off. Trading that bag of potato chips for a bag of carrots was a good idea, ha,ha.
P&H 5700 Mining Machine – This afternoon I will be done with the two swivel /slide side mounting boom brackets. Then I will lay out the design for the first boom parts.
Have a great Thurs. !!