September 19, 2024

Enjoying one more day , a gift from God .

apumpkintruck, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Saginaw – Deb and I drove downstate this morning and picked up my folks and we headed to Saginaw and ate lunch at The Olive Garden . then we stopped at a little farm market and took a couple pictures and made a fun little memory. The older my folks get means the older we get, ha,ha. and the older we all get time seems to speed up more and more.
So these little fun moments in time are very precious .
Deb and i still have a lot of fun together and we even have more laughs when were with my folks. 99% of the time my mom tells me the same story about where we lived in Hemlock , Michigan when we pass through that town on our way home. Once in a while she forgets to say it and we all laugh farther down the road and think that is so funny. I like seeing Deb and my folks still laughing with me and sometimes at me , LOL
We decided not to go camping this weekend and stay off the roads in the motorhome and save a little gas money at $4.09 a gallon . yikes.
Hope you all have a great Weekend .