September 20, 2024

Enjoying our golden years on a half scale John Deere.

Half Scale John Deere- Todays picture shows a happy older couple enjoying cruising around on what appears to be a very unique John Deere Tractor. Actually it looks like something I might build except I might tweek it just a little bit, ha,ha.
Seriously though, life really is what you make it. These people look like they are having fun and I’m pretty sure they are getting lots of attention too.
I’m sure one day Deb and I will probably be cruising around the U.S. seling my book and my videos, LOL on a rig similar to
this one (:>) Just wished I would have thought of doing that first, (:>). Except mine would have a big dozer blade on the front, ha,ha.
Cat 797F Mining Truck Parts – Today I finished painting all the parts for the big haul truck model.
DAY 2 DIET TIME – Well, we had a great time in Florida and we didn’t do really bad, Deb actually lost 3 lbs. but I gained 8 lbs. I have been running and walking a hour every morning slowly working it off. I got 3 lbs. off so far . We decided yesterday to get serious and start writing down calories again as we always do our best when we keep track of everything we eat.
Our friends are going to try the pokey diet , I guess you get a needle and poke yourself everyday with a shot, yikes !! plus pills and 500 calories a day . They said you can lose up to 40 lbs. in just 40 days !! and there is only a 40% chance you will have so many side effects and die ?? No thanks, we’ll keep plugging away the old fashioned common sense way , ha,ha.
Hey Deb !, What’s for Supper ?- Chicken and Brocolli stir fry.
SPRING HAS SPRUNG IN GAYLORD – fifty degrees today and in the upper forties now for five days and it seems great ! Could be done snowmobiling and snowplowing. This is the lowest amount of snow in Gaylord for 50 years.
Have a great Tues. !!!