September 20, 2024

Equipment Nut

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Equipment Nut

Equipment Nut

I have driven by this logging equipment place many times heading downstate. I always wanted to stop and check out some of the used equipment they have. I guess anyone who would want to stop and look at something that looked like this piece of equipment , must be a real equipment nut. , ha, ha. I always want to stop and take a picture of things on our little journeys, but often I just keep driving . If I stopped everywhere I saw equipment we would never get to our destinations. This skidder had been sitting here for a long time and after looking it over, I could see why. It was pretty rough looking up close. Gaylord Weather- 20 degrees this morning and a heavy frost . Won’t be long before we can go ice fishing , ha,ha.
Michigan Rubber Tired Dozer Model Progress- Tomorrow I will post the first pics of it. It is looking pretty good. I am pleased with it. LeTourneau Loader- The LeTourneau Loader will be a brand new scale I have never built before, I got 10 new sized tires and rims I am very excited about. I just ordered 20 more of them . I also recently bought 36 more of the industrial tires I have been using on the scrapers and loaders. So when I get the 20 I have on order, I will have a total of 66 new tires to add to my tire collection, ha,ha. That should return me to the 600 tire number in my inventory. I guess you could call me a equipment nut, but you could also call me a (tire nut.)Ha, ha,