September 20, 2024

Escanaba, Valmet Logging Machine

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Escanaba, Valmet Logging Machine

Escanaba, Valmet Logging Machine

Heading home from Dyersville, Mon. morning we always slept in a little and then got ready and we headed out through Madison, then a few hour drive to Fon-Du Loc , then we would head north to Appleton . We usually arrived at the Machine Shed Resturauant around noon. As soon as we ate, we were back on the road again and we usually stopped at Simon’s Cheese Store for some fresh cheese curds. We would always have some shipped to Nicole asnd Bill before we left the store. Our next fun stop was at Green Bay at the Packers Stadium . We always enjoyed walking around their and buying some green and yellow Christmas Presents, ha,ha. Then off we would head farther north and we would just drive til dark and that got us to Escanaba, Michigan. There were two Logging Equipment dealerships close by our motel and I always looked forward to looking at the latest machines they had on the lots. I still want to build a few cool logging machine models like the one in the picture above that I am standing by. After that excitement at the dealerships, we would always get some supper and then go walk through their little mall. We would always call Nicole from the mall and let her know how our trip was going. We usually picked up a Christmas Present or two while we were there. Most years it was very cold and there were snow flurries in the air. We knew we were back in the Upper Peninsula again. Mon. was our longest day of driving , but we felt we were back close to home again being in Northern Michigan.
Gaylord Weather- The sun is shining and it is above freezing so our snow should melt some more today. It feels like spring again for the third time in the last month.
Letourneau 1800 Loader Progress- I got the loader arm parts cut out and part of them welded together.