September 20, 2024

Favorite Camping Picture at The Soo Locks.

Soo Camping – Todays picture is a repeat picture from last summer of one of our camping trips to the Soo Locks. As Deb and I sit here at the same campground this weekend , we remember that day and how funny it was to set up this picture of us all sharing quality time together camping. This is just one example of how important it is to make fun memories together. This summer my mom hasn’t been able to ride in the car and could not make the trip with us camping.
Her knee is getting better each week and we are thankful for that.
Runners Diet- Deb and I did excellent choosing healthy choices to eat all weekend and we were up training again this morning. Tomorrow is my official 2 week weigh day and it looks good.
It’s hard to believe just two weeks ago I could not even run one block and today I ran 20 blocks non-stop. If I can do it after not running for 25 years , that shows many people could do it if they really wanted to just push that big bag of potato chips and big candy dish and big gulp Pepsi off their lap and get out and take those first baby steps. The sad thing Deb and I realize is if we never do it, we will die younger from heart disease. So for us we want to extend our lives a little more.
Have a great Sunday with the ones you love.