September 19, 2024

First Frost in Aug. means First Snow in Sept. for Northern Michigan Residents.

First Gaylord Frost this morning – We woke up this morning with the furnace running and the rooftops all white with frost in Gaylord. 33 degrees at our house and things were crunchy outside. The area Weather station people said we are a few weeks early for our first frost. So does that mean we get our first snow in Sept. then ?? We always get snow in Oct. so it will be interesting to see what happens this fall.
Sure makes me think about snowplowing and school hasn’t even started yet. Besides we still got more camping to do yet, ha,ha.
MY SECOND 5K RUN THIS MORNING – Race day is getting closer so I figured I better push it just a little today and see if I could run another 5K without stopping . I did it with flying colors. YIPPEE !!
I now feel confident I can run the whole 5K in D.C. without walking any of the race. I felt great when i was done and I was still able to chase Deb around the house today, LOL
California pizza and corn chowder leftovers were yummy. for lunch.
Looks like the cook has stuffed pork chops on the menu for supper, I notice she wrote down pork chop , not pork chops , that means one small stuffed pork chop ? Portion size , small portions is the key. And left over carmelized peaches for dessert. Those are yummy every night (:>) when you only get a 1/2 cup a day it takes forever to use them up, ha,ha.
Liebherr Mining Truck Progress- All the parts are built now except for the wheel covers. I will work on them next.
Have a great Monday !!