September 19, 2024

First snowmobiling in Gaylord

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First snowmobiling in Gaylord

First snowmobiling in Gaylord

Sunday , Oct. 15th, 06 we saw a few snowmobilers out getting a early start. A local radio station talked to a restuarant owner and they said they had about 6 snowmobilers stop on their sleds for lunch . I was a little tempted for a minute or two, but thought I would wait til next week when we get another bigger snowstorm, ha,ha. The picture above is one that Deb took of me last winter as I was getting ready to go for a snowmobile ride. A local snowmobile shop said on the radio this morning they sold three snowmobiles over the weekend and were swamped with people getting excited for a early season. The area golf coarses figure they have lost a full week of good fall golfing they will not get back. All the area lawn care people also have lost a full week of fall cleanups. So the snow was not a welcome sight this early to most people . But it sure reminds us how fast it can go from fall to full fledged winter. My friend Tom that plows snow for the Otsego County Road Commission plowed 14 hours on Fri. and early Sat. morning . So he got some unexpected overtime, (:>). There were dozens of accidents on the roads from people who forgot how to drive in the wet , heavy slush on the roads.
MICHIGAN SCRAPER MODEL PROGRESS- I am busy working away on the rear frame section and the rear radiator section. Should get that roughed in by tonight.