September 19, 2024


agrader, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Twice a year I check my stats and now I see I have reached 5.5 million visitors . Always want to say thanks to all of you who have stopped by all these years to see my progress on my latest projects.
Didn’t get anything done all summer building models because we spent the summer taking care of my folks.
Then it took us two days to recover when we got home .
Now God has everything under control with my folks and things are going as he has planned.
Back to model building now .
Snow in the forecast – The weatherman is saying snow late in the week so better get the snow plow out from the back shed.
My ailing body update- Fractured Elbow, bruised rib , hernia pain , knee pain today and the worse migrane all night last night I have had in a month . Other than that I walked on the treadmill and thinking positive and going to save those drugs for when i really need them when it gets to where I have to crawl to the workshop in the morning , ha,ha.
I’m still thankful to God for giving me this one more day together with Deb.
Have a great Tues.