September 19, 2024

Florida Oranges , a dying fruit says Don Campbell.

Florida Oranges- This picture shows dozens of trailers full of fresh Florida oranges parked at the Tropicana Plant in Bradenton, Florida.
We checked on touring the plant , but no tours are available.
I did talk to two orange grove owners and they said very few Florida oranges actually go into Tropicana for orange juice. They said over 80% of their juice comes from oranges from Brazil. And Brazil’s oranges will grow even more in the next few years. Disease to the orchards has taken it’s toll wiping out hundreds of acres and I was told by the owner that a new bug is now attacking the trees and no -one has a treatment for it yet.
That owner said he is very close to selling his own orchard to a developer who has made him a offer he can’t hardly refuse after a lifetime in the orange business.
Have a great Friday !!!!!!!

The one owner says between developers buying orange groves for condos and disease eliminating more trees within 7 years Florida oranges will be a thing of the past. That is very shocking to hear.
We did enjoy the freshest oranges and the freshest orange and grapefruit juice we ever tasted and it was delicious !!