September 19, 2024

Fourth of July Snowplowing ??

DSC06624donsnowplowing, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Soo Locks Camping Trip – You know what they say about going camping , everyone calls it ( Roughing IT ) Although we have a 28 ft mororhome with all the goodies I’ll have to say this was a rough camping trip. We are so used to being connected to the internet that when we get to a campground that has little to no connection we can hardly stand it. It’s surprising how connected we really are and it seems so good to be home tonight and using high speed internet.
We enjoyed the Canadian Fireworks last night and we met some nice people .
It’s always fun hearing new stories from people traveling around the country all summer in their RV’s .
Todays picture looks cool as i remember being out in the cold and snow that morning. Here is Set in 90 degree heat typing this thinking what would i rather have ?, this HEAT or a Blizzard ?? I used to like them both and now I don’t like either one of them, ha,ha.
Camping and junk food and fun memories is all good fun. But tomorrow we’ll get back to counting calories and walking around town again. And hopefully starting a little biking and running again.
Hope your all having a great summer and I thank God for this one more day he has given us.