September 19, 2024

front loader chrome exhaust stack project.

achromestack, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Used Loaders for sale – Todays fixer upper project on my loader I decided to cut off the horizontal exhaust system and redo it with a little chrome and reweld it in a vertical position like a big boy loader, ha,ha,. I have wanted to put a big boy exhaust stack with chrome for a couple years. Now that the other loader has sold I got more time to spend with this one. We been bonding a lot this week.
Another neighbor gave me two more semi exhaust pipes yesterday but they had straight ends on them. So I turned my black muffler system into a shiny chrome one. I really like it . I did have to spend $9.99 for a chrome top pipe, grrrrr.
JD suitcase weights and frame – I also worked on sanding the frame that will hold the 6 rear suitcase weights that will go on the back of the jd455 . They were pretty rusty when i got them from the neighbor. He was getting ready to haul the frame to the scrapyard so i dug it out of the tall grass and brought it home when i brought home the snowblower he gave me that day.
Have a great Thurs.