September 20, 2024

Future YouTube type movie ; me on this monster

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Future YouTube type movie ; me on this monster

Future YouTube type movie ; me on this monster

Here is one example of a movie clip that I would like to try to add to my webpage when Nicole comes home. This picture shows me climbing up on this $6.5 million dollar Terex RH-200 front shovel. You can see James following me up the ladder. I have a movie camera in my hand and I took some very cool video from inside the cab as the 33 yd bucket proceded to do it’s business . The monster shovel was running when we were climbing up it. Once we got in the cab this white truck backed out of the way and the three Cat Monster Haul Trucks waiting pulled closer into position and the big shovel went to work. At first I could not take any movies as I was in such awe of just being inside this cool machine. The view was amazing from the cab looking down at the huge bucket as it scooped up one heaping bucket of rock after another just as fast as the machine would go. Diddle was at the controls with his stereo going in his earphones, he did not miss a beat. He was just like Tom Cruise in his jet , well almost like that. Every movement of the joysticks and foot pedals ended up loading another truck in record time. He did not miss a beat. I could not get over how fast it seemed from inside the cab. Just as soon as one truck pulled away , the next one was in place and the bucket was already loade and ready to dump when the next truck stopped. After a few minutes, then I got the movie camera going and took some awesome footage . Looking up at the top ridge of the mountain I could clearly see a Cat D-10 doing his business pushing down blasted rock to keep this shovel with plenty of loose material to scoop up. I WAS TRULY feeling like a kid in a candy store. I never dreamed I would get to even see a cool machine like this at work even from a distance. It’s still hard to believe it happened, that is why I took pictures and movies, to prove it really did happen, ha,ha.
I have operated a few loaders over the years , but had never run a excavator or a shovel of any kind. So when Diddle stood up and told me to get in the operators seat, I was very nervous. Just knowing I was holding up production for a few minutes even made me more nervous. But I sat down in the seat and did my business, ha,ha,ha. I scooped a bucket of rocks and lifted it up and swung the boom over , but there was no truck there. The truck drivers looked nervous off in the distance, LOL. I didn’t blame them. It wasn’t long and it was time to leave. VERY COOL JAMES !!, When ever I need a monster equipment fix, I put the movie in and crank up the big screen tv and put the volume on max. and ask Deb to leave the room. I get some dirt and smear it on my face and hands and really get into the movie . I want to get some grease too and wipe it on me , but Deb won’t let me, she thinks that is a little overboard. ha,ha.
ACCO Grader- I got the cab roughed in and I am now working on the front section and have the front axle in place and the front 4 tires on it.
No snow for us, temps in the 30’s today . The local TV said it has been 12 years since we have had no snow on Christmas Day. The positive thing is Nicole and Bill will have good traveling weather over the holidays.
Deb, Nicole , Bill and I wish you all a Very Merry Christmas .