September 20, 2024

Garden Railroading with live steam and Train Rides with rolling stock

donscontrolpanel, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Garden Railroading – Todays picture shows a picture of the control panel in my garden railroad sized train model. I had never seen inside a diesel locomotive before and still haven’t . So I looked at three pictures from the internet and tried to build something from steel that slightly resembles a old rugged control panel. I will take a video of the interior once it is done next week and post it on you-tube to share with everyone. Today I will build the forty steel plates and drill 160 holes that will attach the rails to the railroad ties.
Ridable Miniature Railroads- Since I started building this 1/ 4 scale Diesel Locomotive I have enjoyed looking on the internet at several working mini trains. Train Mountain has got to be the biggest collection of working mini trains. It looks like a place where dreams of average people who love trains get to be real engineers and make their dreams come true.
Local Railroad Locomotive blamed for forest fire- We read in our local paper yesterday the Lake State Railroad that comes to Gaylord was responsible for a past forest fire near Grayling Michigan. A helicopter spotted several small fires along the railroad tracks and saw the train . No spark arrestor was determined the cause.
SNOWSTORM HEADING TO NORTHERN MICHIGAN – We are hoping we will get slammed today and overnight with 6 to 10 inches of snow as it works it’s way East. today. The cold temps are back so we might as well be getting snow too, ha,ha.
DIET – The three days of 40 degree weather kicked me into gear thinking about running again and biking on the trail. Today is day 5 of eating good . Gaining weight during the winter months is just a yearly thing. Every fall I am back to my lighter weight so I guess I am maintaining my same weight and never gaining more so that is good.
1/3rd Scale Cat D-11R Dozer- A week from today I should be posting the first picture of the first parts for the big Cat Dozer. (:>)
Have a great Sunday