September 20, 2024

garden tractor articulating frame lengthened

astretchedframe, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Home made tractors- I have searched the internet for many years looking for home made tractors . Some of them are awesome and some of them arent awesome but all of them are lots of fun . What is there left to do when you get old but make a home made tractor , ha,ha. May 12th I will be 61 years old and it took me almost a year to adjust to being 60 .
60 is a rough one no doubt about it . Everyday I look at the obits at how old peolpe are and many of them were 60 .
Yikes , so instead of making me depressed it does just the opposite and makes me want to go have fun and enjoy one more day God has given me because there really is a good chance it WILL be my last, lol
Where the H____ is SPRING ?? Most people in town still have a ton of ice and snow on their roofs let alone the 2 feet on the ground . I am tired of plowing snow and I want it to warm up real soon.
At least I got a cool project to keep me busy in the meantime.
Tractor Frame – Todays progress picture shows my frame work making it 12″ longer. 1/2 in thick bar , 1-1/2 angle iron and 1/4 inch x 1-1/2 all welded together on each side makes for a very strong new frame . Now the dual wheels turn much farther and just right for my needs. I did some hydraulic hose work on the rear this afternoon too and have to redo one of the front larger hoses yet. I got to locate a hydraulic filter and change the hydraulic fluid before I fire it up for a trial run later this week.
Have a great Monday !!